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How This Works
This page explains the fundamentals of how to use MyRevision for teaching and learning. If you have any questions or observations in relation to MyRevision, you are welcome to contact us.
1. What does MyRevision offer?
2. How do I access MyRevision?
3. Which version of my internet browser should
I be using with MyRevision?
4. How do I generate and attempt on-screen interactive quizzes on MyRevision?
5. How do I create a SCORM assessment for import to Moodle or Blackboard that will be automatically graded? (for tutors only).1. What does MyRevision offer?
MyRevision is an online resource that enables you to generate self-assessment and revision questions on demand for each of the subjects for which you are registered (with the exception of Integrated Accounting Systems).
The self-assessment and revision questions are based on past exam questions and examples that are included in your course manual. The types of questions include multiple-choice, short computational, modified course manual examles and modified past exam questions.
When you generate a numerical question or a multiple-choice type question, you will see a new version of that question each time. As such, you have the facility to practise new questions all the time.
You can also access recent past papers on MyRevision.
2. How do I access MyRevision?
You can access MyRevision through your TouchPoint portal. Watch this short YouTube video to see how.
3. Which version of my internet browser should I be using?
In general, you should have the latest version of an internet browser on your device. You can confirm the version of your browser at this third-party webpage: Your browser should be at least one of the following versions in order to use all the features of MyRevision properly (last updated 31 July 2020):
Chrome - version 82 or higher
Firefox - version 78 or higher
Internet Explorer - version 11 or higher
Edge - version 83 or higher
Safari/iOS Safari - version 13 or higher
Back to top4. How do I generate on-screen interactive quizzes on MyRevision?
Watch this short YouTube video to see an overview of the features available with MyRevision.
Note that, whereas there are no limits on the number of questions that may be generated for on-screen presentation or for SCORM zip packages, there are limits on the number of questions that may be downloaded as a PDF file as follows:
For students:
(i) 20 questions in a 24-hour period;
(ii) 50 questions in a 7-day period;
(iii) 100 questions in a 30-day period.
For instructors:
(i) 20 questions in a 24-hour period;
(ii) 48 questions in a 30-day period;
5. How do I create an assessment for import to Moodle or Blackboard that will be automatically graded? (for lecturers only).
Lecturers may wish to set regular homework and/or revision assessments in Moodle. MyRevision offers the capability to generate assessments that can be imported to learning management systems such as Moodle and Blackboad that are automatically graded when attempted by students. Watch this short YouTube video to see how (Moodle is the VLE in this video tutorial).
6. Note on Tenjin use of point and comma separators
Tenjin uses a point as the decimal separator (for example 3.5 is understood to be 'three and one half').
Tenjin uses a comma to separate thousands (for example 2,500 is
understood to be 'two thousand five hundred').